Home Repair and Community Revitalization Programs

Greening and Revitalization Efforts (City of Springfield)

IHDA recognizes that investing in homes and communities throughout Illinois is an effective way to combat the ongoing effects of the housing crisis and assist with community revitalization efforts. In an effort to stabilize communities, we partner with local governments and non-profit organizations to offer programs that invest in vacant residential properties and return them to productive use. We additionally provide funding to these program partners that enable eligible homeowners to make necessary repairs and accessibility improvements, allowing residents to stay in their homes while preserving and improving the quality of single-family housing.

The Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund Home Repair Program (HAFHR) allows eligible homeowners the ability to address home maintenance needs that were delayed and exacerbated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible repairs will maintain the habitability of a home and prevent homeowner displacement.

Household income must be at or below 150% AMI based on household size. Households must certify a financial hardship after January 21, 2020, related to the COVID-19 pandemic. They must also own and occupy the home. Those who received HAF housing assistance are eligible to apply. The home repair grants will carry a 3-year forgivable recapture agreement.

HAFHR granted awards to selected grantees to make eligible critical home repairs up to $60,000 per household. You can find the list of grantees here. Interested homeowners should review the list and contact a grantee servicing your area.

Please note that funding and organizational capacity are limited, and many grantees will have a waiting list for applicants. Due to limited program funding, not all eligible households will receive funding.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions document for additional information.

IHDA does not directly fund homeowners or maintain a waitlist. If you are a homeowner looking for repair funds, contact the organizations directly for qualification requirements. Please direct any general questions regarding this program to CAgeneralinquiries@ihda.org.

Funds are made possible through Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), which was established under section 3206 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the ARP).

The Home Repair and Accessibility Program (HRAP) is designed to assist low- and very low-income homeowners by providing funds for vital health and safety repairs and accessibility improvements. Through these activities, the program aims to preserve existing affordable housing stock, provide investment in underserved communities, improve the health and well-being of occupants, and help low-income and disabled or mobility-impaired individuals remain in their homes. HRAP is administered through a network of grantees around the state, and individual homeowners apply though those grantees.

Homeowners Looking for Assistance with Repairs: HRAP Round 2 will not become available for homeowners until after grantees are selected. The full grantee list will be posted here, and we currently anticipate that the grantee list will be posted in summer 2025. At that time, homeowners can reach out to grantees to be placed on the program waitlist. Please note that funding and organizational capacity are limited, and many grantees will have a waiting list for applicants. Due to limited program funding, not all eligible households will receive funding.

The Land Bank Technical Assistance Network (“TF-LBTA” or “TA Program) was originally created as a component of the Land Bank Capacity Program, but it now operates as an independent grant program funded by the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The TA Program assists in the building of the capacity and sustainability of local communities and land banks through responsible partnerships.

Please direct any questions to LBCPinfo@ihda.org.

The Strong Communities Program (SCP) provides grant funds to municipalities, counties, and land banks to address affordable housing needs and support community revitalization efforts. SCP aims to rehabilitate vacant residential properties, returning them to productive and taxable use. It also provides funds for demolition in cases where properties are beyond repair and negatively impact neighboring residences. This program can  increase property values, create jobs, reduce crime, generate additional tax revenue, and attract further community investment. By enabling greater revitalization opportunities, SCP will preserve existing affordable housing stock, often located in city centers and near community amenities such as schools, parks, medical facilities, shopping, jobs, and transportation,  encouraging further investment and revitalization.

Please direct any questions to SCPinfo@ihda.org

Strong Communities Program Round 2 Documents