Permanent Supportive Housing
At IHDA, we believe every person, regardless of illness or limitation, should have the freedom to choose to live as independently as possible in settings appropriate to their own personal needs and preferences. That is why we commit significant resources to the development of permanent affordable housing that offers elective supportive services that allow residents to achieve long-term housing stability.
If you are interested in developing supportive housing but don’t know where to begin, check out the tools and resources in the side bar for assistance.
If you are a developer or sponsor searching for a listing of Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program submissions and approvals, you can find them below.
Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program Application Rounds
2025 Round XI Submissions and Approvals
- Round XI Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program (PSHDP) Applications Received
- To view submitted and approved PPAs for this round, please click here.
2024 Round XI Request for Applications
2024 Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program Round XI Request for Applications
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (“IHDA”) released a request for applications (“RFA”) under its Permanent Supportive Housing (“PSH”) Development Program Round XI making funding available for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of PSH projects that serve the most vulnerable populations and that offer flexible, voluntary supportive services designed to increase housing stability.
IHDA expects most applications will be for PSH projects of 40 or fewer units where at least 50% of the units are PSH units, and that requests will generally be up to 90% of the total project cost. Applicants were required to submit a Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA), as outlined in the RFA, prior to submitting an application.
Applications were due to IHDA by 5:00 p.m. CST on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Applications are no longer being accepted for the PSH Development Program Round XI.
2022 Round IX Submissions and Approvals
2021 Round VIII Submissions and Approvals
- 2021 Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program (PSHDP) Approvals
- 2021 Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program (PSHDP) Applications Received
- 2021 Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program (PSHDP) PPA Approvals
- 2021 Permanent Supportive Housing Development Program (PSHDP) PPA Submissions
Supportive Housing Institute
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) and the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) have announced that development teams can now apply to participate in its Supportive Housing Institute (SHI), a program designed to equip teams with the tools and knowledge to navigate the complex process of developing and financing housing with supportive services. SHI will provide technical assistance, training, and additional resources to teams who look to access funding through federal and state initiatives like IHDA’s Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Development Program.
Potential applicants who are interested in learning more about SHI are strongly encouraged to attend the upcoming webinar:
- Wednesday, December 4 at 10:00 a.m.
- Participants are asked to register in advance here.
Applications will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. SHI program information and the application can be found online here.