Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)

The Grove Apartments (Oak Park)

The Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) sets forth the criteria for evaluating all projects that apply for a tax credit allocation.  The QAP sets forth the rules under which IHDA offers affordable housing development funding in the form of federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). The QAP describes the selection criteria and application requirements for receiving these federal tax credits and tax-exempt bonds.  The QAP takes effect upon the approval of the IHDA board and the governor.

Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) Survey
  • As part of the QAP review process,  IHDA has developed this survey to gather input to help inform updates to the 2026-2027 QAP.

2024-2025 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)

  • 2024-2025 Approved QAP.

2024-2025 QAP Summary of Changes

  • This provides a summary of changes between the 2022-2023 QAP and the 2024-2025 QAP.

For previous QAPs, please visit our Developer Resource Center.

For more information on how to submit an application for tax credits or IHDA financing, please visit our Applying For Tax Credits Or Other Multifamily Housing Programs page.

IRS regulations for the federal tax credit program are found in Section 42 of the Code of 1986, as amended. Additionally, state rules governing the LIHTC program are found in the Illinois Administrative Code, Title 47, Chapter II, Part 350.