Design, Construction & Regulatory Compliance
The Design, Construction & Regulatory Compliance Requirements (Requirements) have been developed to provide development teams, receiving Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA, or Authority) resources, a reference document outlining IHDA’s requirements for the design and construction of high-quality affordable housing, including new construction, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse of existing buildings. The Requirements are intended to be used when submitting applications for IHDA programs including 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), 4% LIHTC and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). The Design, Construction & Regulatory Compliance team will use the Requirements as a reference when reviewing the submitted property due diligence documents, project scope documents, design, and construction documents, and when monitoring the progress of construction.
Reference Documents
Design Compliance
Design Compliance is focused on obtaining and reviewing pre-design, design, and construction documents to assist IHDA in the evaluation of the project’s compliance with pre-design and design requirements.
Construction Compliance
Construction Compliance is focused on monitoring the progress of construction to assist IHDA in the evaluation of the project’s compliance with construction requirements.
- Stored Materials Log
- Completion Of Construction Certificate
- Owners Request For Acknowledgement Of Permission To Occupy
Build America, Buy America – BABA (HOME & NHTF)
Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory Compliance is focused on obtaining and reviewing environmental documents to assist IHDA in the evaluation of the project’s compliance with environmental requirements.