Statewide Plans And Reports

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic fallout, many Illinois households struggled to pay their monthly housing bills as they prioritized expenses. Illinois stands proud as a model of efficient and effective governance in helping residents recover from the pandemic. The State of Illinois is a national leader in this response, overseeing some of the largest emergency housing assistance programs in the nation. 

Since 2020, the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) has provided more than $1.4 billion in emergency rental and mortgage assistance, helping more than 164,000 vulnerable households. This allowed impacted residents the time and support they needed to overcome financial pressures they were experiencing due to the pandemic. 

Below are reports highlighting the various programs administered by IHDA, including both home ownership and rental assistance.  

2024 Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund (ILHAF) Final Report

2022 Illinois Rental Payment Program Fact Book

The Illinois Housing Blueprint is a forward-thinking and grassroots planning initiative that amplifies the voices and experiences of those living and working in communities throughout the state. The first edition of the Housing Blueprint provided a foundation for this-multi-year planning process, and the 2022 Housing Blueprint builds on that to provide a deeper analysis of the trends and priority areas that will guide future housing policy and investment in Illinois in the coming years.

2022 IL Housing Blueprint

2021 IL Housing Blueprint

The Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions. The consolidated planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities that align and focus funding from the CPD formula block grant programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ProgramHOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) ProgramEmergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program as well as the national Housing Trust Fund. The Consolidated Plan is carried out through Annual Action Plans, which provide a concise summary of the actions, activities, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the Consolidated Plan. Grantees report on accomplishments and progress toward Consolidated Plan goals in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).

Draft 2024 Annual Performance Report-State of Illinois Consolidated Plan – FOR PUBLIC COMMENT

2023 Annual Performance Report-State of Illinois AS SUBMITTED TO HUD

Draft State of Illinois 2024 Annual Action Plan

2023 Action Plan – As Approved by HUD

Draft 2022 Annual Performance Report-State of Illinois Consolidated Plan – FOR PUBLIC COMMENT

State of Illinois HOME-ARP Allocation Plan – Approved by HUD

State of Illinois 2022 Action Plan – As Approved by HUD

Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CV) Amendment to the 2019 Action Plan

Final 2021 Annual Action Plan

FINAL State of Illinois 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan

IDHS ESG Corona Virus Substantial Amendment to the 2019 Action Plan


2018 Consolidated Plan –ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT – As Submitted to HUD

Final State of Illinois 2019 ACTION PLAN – HUD APPROVED

Final State of Illinois 2018 ACTION PLAN 

Executive Order 2003-18 and the Comprehensive Housing Planning Act (P.A. 94-965) established the statewide comprehensive housing initiative, identifying underserved “priority populations”, and calling for the appointment of a Housing Task Force to improve the planning and coordination of the state’s housing resources. IHDA’s Executive Director is appointed Chair of the state’s Housing Task Force and is joined by a panel of 34 representatives from state agencies and the housing community. Each year the Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan identifies statewide focus activities that guide the state’s activities related to affordable housing planning and development for the year. Each plan also includes an identification of funding sources for which the state has administrative control that are available for housing construction, rehabilitation, preservation, operating or rental subsidies, and supportive services.

2025 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP)

2024 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP)

2023 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP) – Annual Progress Report

2023 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP)

2022 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP) – Annual Progress Report

2022 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP)

2021 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan – Annual Progress Report

2021 Annual Comprehensive Housing Plan (ACHP)

2020 ACHP – Supplemental Materials Guide

For previous years’ reports, please contact Erik Turner

The Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act (AHPAA) was signed into law in 2003 to encourage local governments to incorporate affordable housing into their communities. IHDA was named the State-administering agency in the law and provides tools and updates to aid non-exempt communities with compliance. Communities in Illinois that are found to be non-exempt from the law are required to develop and then adopt an Affordable Housing Plan within 18 months from the date of notification of their non-exempt status and to submit a copy of the plan to IHDA within 60 days after its adoption. According to the statute (as amended by P.A. 103-0487), the exemption determination process must be completed by IHDA at least once every five years using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

2023 Statewide Affordability List

2023 Non-Exempt Local Government List

2023 AHPAA Local Government Data

2023 Non-Exempt Local Government Handbook


2024 Affordability Charts

AHPAA Non-Exempt Local Government Historical List

2018 – Non-Exempt Local Government List

2013 – Non-Exempt Local Government List

2004 – Non-Exempt Local Government List 

For more information, contact IHDA at

IHDA is required to submit progress reports to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on a quarterly basis.  See the reports below.

The Housing Task Force will at times convene working groups with statewide experts on a specific topic. The result of these working groups is often a report on the group’s findings, observation or recommendations.

The Illinois Housing Task Force, having last released a Supportive Housing Working Group report in 2008, decided to re-establish the Working Group to produce a new report that reflects the environment in 2016. As such, this report defines Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), provides information on current inventory and unmet need, compares PSH versus institutional costs, identifies potential resources to create PSH, and proposes production goals as well as strategies to improve PSH.

Supportive Housing Working Group Report 2017

The Property Tax Payment Plan Task Force was created by the passage of Senate Bill 74 during the 2023 General Assembly session. Senate Bill 74 was signed into law on July 28, 2023, becoming Public Act 103-0369. The purpose of the Task Force was to study and make recommendations for the implementation of one or more payment plan options in counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants to prevent eligible tax-delinquent owner-occupied properties in those counties from being sold at the annual tax sale. Read the 2024 Report to the General Assembly here.

In May 2023, the Illinois General Assembly and Governor JB Pritzker created the Community Land Trust Task Force (P.A. 103-250) which called for a group of experts to evaluate how Community Land Trusts (CLTs) could better support affordable housing challenges facing Illinois. The Task Force met continuously over the past two years and included elected officials, state employees, researchers, national experts, and representatives from active Illinois CLTs. Throughout the meetings, the Task Force identified challenges impacting CLT operations, capacity, and reach, and developed recommendations for policymakers to increase the effectiveness of CLTs in Illinois. Read the report to the Illinois General Assembly here.